Monday, January 29, 2007

And then there were four.....

Seems like three were not enough. Last weekend, a friend and I became co-conspirators on another horse. Jessie. An appaloosa, dead broke, bomb proof and just a joy to ride. So good, she doesn't even need a bit, I ride her in a halter and a rope for reins. Yahoo. So my art is on hold for awhile, while I spend frigid hours at the barn, spoiling her with attention. Mark, my partner in crime on this one, can ride her western, while I deal with her under an english saddle. My old man thinks I am totally insane, but as always, lets me make my own deals, and then lets me handle the consequences, be they good or bad. But these will be good ones. Now, where is my Mountain cd? Seems I am in the mood for Leslie West and Theme From An Imaginary Western.

1 comment:

The Dream said...

"Ride it! Ride it!!! Yyyyyoooooowwww!" -The late great Jim Morrison