Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Baby got back

Ok. Mister Torso has been sleeping in my studio for weeks now, untouched. The epiphany came in the middle of the night, after thinking about something that happened yesterday morning...I need to attack it with a knife and cut it down. The shoulder part is just not working for me. All I want is the butt.

And once that is finished, I can start on a commission piece. Two paintings. Side by side. Reds, browns, golds...very abstract. At least that is what is in my head at the moment. (Actually, something else is in my head, but he's not here, so...)

My creative urges are not exactly surging lately. Surging urges.....hmmm. And I know from experience that unless I get back in the studio and make messes, I will suffer. And when I suffer, everyone suffers.

All that you suffer is all that you are.

Smashing Pumpkins


The Dream said...

back it up
back it up
back it up, now

The Dream said...

yeah ... i don't want to be suffering, so go with the urge surge!

Anonymous said...

check out my blog today - the ceramic sculpture by Kim Reyes - that should be enough to get anyone moving creatively...

interesting picture....=]

The Dream said...

I just nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award. It's your fault.