Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back in the saddle again...

Today I got off the couch. I actually got dressed. And actually ate something. A double dose of morning monkey medicine did wonders. Left me exhausted and drained, but it did wonders. In fact, I felt so damn good about not feeling so damn crappy that I decided I needed to put my butt on a horse this afternoon. Which did even more wondrous things. While Mister Fix It and Mister Barn Owner worked on water troughs, I trotted around, happy to have 1000 pounds of horse flesh between my legs.

Tomorrow will be spent rescheduling all the things I had to cancel the past few days. Lunches, facials, massages....and other less critical appointments (like a meeting with my stockbroker to discuss the POSSIBILITY of a budget so Mister Above Referenced can retire and I can live in the manner to which I have become SO accustomed to). Oh joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh very cool - you are going to live. =] That is a very good thing. I hope getting in the saddle doesn't knock you out of it again. Husband seems to be starting to feel human (he went to work but that doesn't necessarily mean anything). I am not going to crow that I've missed it. Last time I did that I just got it a week after he got better. I am going to very quietly do gratitude affirmations and hope the illness imps go on by. More stomach stuff I don't need!