Thursday, March 01, 2007

And it stoned me to my soul....

A gift from Miss Ei. Just because. The picture does not do it justice, the colors are much more deep and intense. I love it. His name will come to me in a dream.

Check her site out...while I was standing around holding horses, she was taking some incredible images. She has an eye for such things.

Today will be a good day. Intensity this morning, then a lesson with my horse trainer this afternoon, providing the rain holds. I have already been up on the roof shaking my chicken bones and talking in tongues. I REALLY want to ride today. Something about getting on a horse after intensity....


The Dream said...

You are so cool and SO good for me, BADi. I value our blooming friendship and our connection - such a breath of fresh air! Intensity? Reading between the lines, I gather negative intensity. Ring me later if want/need to. Thanks for the comments on the pics. I have some to shoot off to Pat, the farrier dude.

bat_outta_hell said...

This intensity is not negative at all. Read deeper between the lines. MUCH deeper.

Pat is indeed a cool guy. Notice how he held back comments when the discussion turned to overcrowded beds?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous piece - what is it made from? The lines are so lyrical!

bat_outta_hell said...


It's some sort of ceramic thing..with the most incredible deep toned glaze on it. The picture, due to the flash, makes it seem a bit washed out.

Anonymous said...

I want to see this ceramic thing - it's gorgeous.
on another note, I'm pulling 2 more birdie tiles tonight and if everything works as planned (and you know how that goes) I hope to have them ready by Tuesday (I'm pushing a few things here but should be okay)...maybe I can drop them at Bronze door since I'm going to be away...

bat_outta_hell said...


Whatever works for you works for me.

Anonymous said...

you make it too easy....thanks - I'll keep you posted

Anonymous said...

Smooth Horse from Ei.
Gorgeous lines.