Friday, March 02, 2007

Sometimes a Jimi thing slides my way....

I don't have anything to say today. Which is a rarity in itself.

I looked into my crystal ball...
There was formed a tragedy
Oh, but there is nothing to worry about...
It was just a flash from my memory

James Marshall Hendrix

( picture courtesy of Mister Peabodys' Way Back Machine)


The Dream said...

The younger you ... hmmm, why not post the sweet shot with Boo? You KNOW you look gorgeous in it! Jimi - forever on my Top 10 fave lists:
Musical Genius
Super SSSSSSexy

Anonymous said...

Back in the beginning of Jimi there was a guy in the crowd that took his album everywhere and played it. It took a bit of getting used to for me - wasn't an instant fan. How things change now that I listen for passion in music instead of insipid love story things - and I hated Tell Laura I love her from the gitgo.

bat_outta_hell said...

I didn't liked that song, or Corrina Corrina either. I guess I never got into songs about car wrecks.