Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good times, bad times...

You know I've had my share.

But the last 24 hours have been INCREDIBLY good times. Valentine's Day was never one of my favorite holidays. But sitting at the dinner table last nite, between my two gorgeous men, may have changed my way of thinking about that. One of them who knows me well enough to know that roses and candy are not my idea of a good gift. I loathe the smell of roses, and I certainly don't need any candy. And the other one, who knew just what effect a black skeleton leaf would have on me. I hope they appreciated the gifts they received in return. There is a certain joy in the giving.........

Lunch today with a somewhat new, yet somehow old friend reminded me that my circle is indeed expanding...and I like that. It was very comfortable. Thank you sweetie, and you can nest in my roost anytime you like.

Enough of the hearts and flowers sentiment here. Back to my real life, where not all things are as they seem. Cept for the whips and chains...THOSE are VERY real.

1 comment:

The Dream said...

Whips there, whips here - hahaha!
Holy Dirt - more coolness