Sunday, February 18, 2007

I asked of her name, and in a dark brown voice she said....


Since I don't have some big clay stretching pasta machine or a kiln ( I am VERY jealous, Tammy) I did this with papier-mache. The process produced some lessons, which will, I hope, be evident in the next piece in the series. I suppose this woman will truly be a sum of her parts.

For you, I would tattoo me
With lines crossing into a hand,
And a heart that would never bleed.
The twilight and the horse
Drawn on my arm
Standing for an addiction,
Pray we go unharmed.

I credit the Indigo Girls for music to inspire the muse this morning. And for some self truths revealed.


Anonymous said...

This is paper mache?! You don't need a kiln, darlin!

and you can always fire in mine - I do rent out the shelves for other local non-kiln having folks.

Really - you should post the process - I'm lovin' this piece! If you varnish her (and it looks like you did) - does that make her water proof?

bat_outta_hell said...

No finish on her yet, other than a coat of matte medium. I am starting on my next one tomorrow, and will post photos of the process/progress. Instead of layering strips of newspaper and goo, I am making a pulp mixture of paper and paste, then slathering it on the form. If that does not work, I will go to the commercial mixes. Research told me that the addition of oil of clove to the mixture retards mold. Don't know about that yet, but I love the scent...aroma/art therapy.

Anonymous said...

what are you using for a form?

The Dream said...

This is fantastic!!! I can't believe you were able to work this magic with this method. The girls were obviously the perfect listening choice.

You are most welcome to keep your kayak over here, my friend. I am psyched about having a buddy out there on the creek with me!

Still on for Wednesday?