Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rock and roll never forgets

So you're a little bit older and a lot less bolder
Than you used to be
So you used to shake em down
But now you stop and think about your dignity
So now sweet sixteens turned thirty-one (yeah,right)
You get to feelin weary when the work days done
All you got to do is get up and into your kicks
If you're in a fix
Come back baby
Rock and roll never forgets

Courtesy of Mister Seeger. 'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

Bob Seger was the only person I ever saw in concert before i met current husband.

football statium, Miami, got lost, car wouldn't start after the show. Girlfriend picked up a roadie. Long time ago....

bat_outta_hell said...

FLASHBACK! I have a similar memory involving the Stones at either RFK or the Capitol Center (either a senior moment here or not being able to identify the venue due to pharmaceuticals)....cherry bombs, getting lost going home. But no roadie. Not that I wouldn't have been amenable to the idea.

Or maybe it was Poco. I AM certain that I saw the Who and T-Rex in Atlanta, though.